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Friday, September 12, 2014

The Power of Gathering

Hi there folks!  Welcome back!  Bear with me for a moment while I philosophize!

I love the process of "gathering" stuff... there is nothing that makes me happier than creating ideas from nothing.   A bit here, a bit there...a special inspiration piece that sends your mind off into Dreamville... this, among other things is what I am so loving about this particular adventure!  

Dreaming about where I will take that blank canvas sends my spirit the midst of other, sometimes painful life events, this is always a  place I can go to that is safe and exciting and alive.

"This is the power of gathering: 
it inspires us, delightfully, to be more hopeful, 
more joyful, more thoughtful: in a word, more alive."   
                                                                            Alice Waters

There IS some fear... can I make it work?  Is my idea good?  Will it please me in the end, or will it disappoint...but that is part of the joy of a also adds a dynamic quality that creates its own spirit of is the catalyst that sends your heart and mind off in new, sometimes even more exciting directions.

So all that "philosophical mumbo jumbo" was about introducing you to the next project I will be working on. I am waiting for "stuff" for my Entry, so I started trying to finalize my planning and gather the things for the Grand Parlor.

The photo above is the collection of stuff I have for the Grand Parlor.  What a delightful collection, yes?  Does it tell you anything about where I want to go?

I knew what I wanted in regard to the "space" in this room.  I knew I wanted a two level floor, I have some ideas about how to use that to create an "interesting" dynamic space.  Here is what that became.

As usual, that is what I "knew" going in.  Beyond that, a few unclear ideas floating around in my head...those will come later as they become realized. For now, I am focusing on the "things" that are shaping my final ideas.

One of the goals I have for this blog is to share the creative process as I go along.  So many folks feel they have to have everything "done" in their mind before they start.  In the real world, building a house, that is very true.  It is much too costly otherwise, and mistakes can cost thousands.

But in our mini world, we can be the true artist, and let our creative process bloom and flower, creating things that delight our senses and take us into new and exciting worlds.  Sometimes, having entered the process to realize our dreams, a new idea surfaces, a thread that just cannot be enriches our vision.  Therefore, it must be realized, mustn't it?

All of what comes next is built upon the two level floor pictured above, and two additional things.

Yes.  A cheap Christmas Ornament that looks more like an Octopus...(does anyone REALLY put those on their Christmas trees?!!), and Paper Plates from Hobby Lobby.  Humble is most inspiration!  Big ideas from small treasures! that is all for now...except a tantalizing picture of me playing with stuff to "create" the new Grand (Very Grand I might add!) parlor!

I hope that is enough to get you a bit excited about where this might go!  I am excited to start seeing this come together if no one else is! 

Oh..and I thought you might enjoy seeing how horrific my creative process is for those around me!  Shortly after this photo was taken, my "creative process" was dismantled and put away.  I think my poor wife deserves a day or two without having to push my mess around in order to take care of me!  :0) 

Have a great day folks!

Until next time!

Doug S


  1. Hello doug,
    Great pictures. I love the architectural detail you created in the space. The curves and double level is great! the artwork will be fantastic!
    I always have a very specific and detailed idea of where I am going with the Manor, but I always remain flexible and change things along the way. I think sticking to a plan too rigidly in any form of art dulls creativity.
    Big hug,.

    1. Hey Giac! I am glad you liked the new space. I am having fun, as usual, with the creative process!

      I know you are very detailed in your planning...I am afraid I am a "just enough" project manager! I do enough planning to get my head around things, and that is "enough"! I feel only a little bit guilty, and that mostly when I see how detailed YOUR plans are before you begin. :0) There are others out there too, but your planning process is obvious, and your talent with drawing and articulating your ideas is above average! But you are right, remaining flexible in the creative process is not only a good idea, it is really quite necessary, at least in my humble opinion!


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